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Ysgol Gyfun Pencoed, Heol Llangrallo, Pencoed, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, CF35 5LZ
Cyllideb: £5,000 | Hyd y Prosiect Medi– Tach 2024
Dyddiad Cau Gwneud Cais: Canol nos 14 Mehefin 2024
Mae Ysgol Gyfun Pencoed yn gwahodd ceisiadau gan Ymarferwyr Creadigol (unigolion / partneriaethau / stiwdios / cyrff) i weithio gyda dosbarth o ugain hyd at bump ar hugain o ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 9 (merched a bechgyn, 13-14 oed ar flwyddyn olaf Cwricwlwm CA3) i chwilio sut y gall ymgysylltu creadigol ag agweddau ar gynhyrchu theatr a/neu ffilm (e.e. addasu’r llwyfan at y sgrîn, chwilio dylunio setiau, etc) fod yn gymorth i ddisgyblion ddatblygu eu medrau datrys problemau, llythrennedd a chydweithredu, ac yn y pen draw bod yn help i ddatblygu gwytnwch dysgwyr.
Mae’r disgyblion (sydd yn Blwyddyn 8 ar hyn o bryd) eisoes wedi rhoi tro am Stiwdios Harry Potter a byddai’n dda gennym chwilio meithrin cysylltiadau â Stiwdios Dragon (, sy’n agos at yr ysgol, yn foddion ehangu dirnadaeth y disgyblion o yrfaoedd creadigol allai fod ar gael iddyn nhw yn eu bro.
Byddai’n dda gennym hefyd gysylltu’r prosiect â’r Cwricwlwm Saesneg (er engharifft, mae’r disgyblion wedi astudio sawl cynhyrchiad ffilm a llwyfan yn rhan o’r cwricwlwm yn Blwyddyn 8, gan gynnwys Wednesday, Edward Scissor Hands, Revolution, a Hamilton) ac annog y disgyblion i ystyried achosion ynghlwm ag amrywiaeth a hunaniaeth, gan gynnwys y mwyafrif byd-eang a chyfraniadau at ddiwydiannau a gyrfaoedd creadigol lleol a chenedlaethol.
Y brîff llawn a manylion sut i wneud cais ar gael yma: Pencoed_Comprehensive_CP_Brief
Pencoed Comprehensive School, Coychurch Road, Pencoed, Bridgend, CF35 5LZ
Budget: £5,000 | Project Duration: Sept – Nov 2024
Application Deadline: Midnight 14 June 2024
Pencoed Comprehensive School are inviting applications from Creative Practitioners (individuals / partnerships / studios / organisations) to work with a class of 20-25 Year 9 pupils (girls and boys, aged 13-14 in the last year of the KS3 Curriculum) to explore how creative engagement with aspects of theatre and/or film production (e.g. adapting stage to screen, exploring set design, etc.) may support pupils to develop their problem-solving, literacy and collaboration skills, and ultimately help develop learner resilience.
The pupils (who are currently in Year 8) have previously visited Harry Potter Studios and we would like to explore making connections with Dragon Studios (, which is located close to the school, as a means to broaden pupils understanding of creative careers that may be open to them within their local area.
We would also like to try to connect the project with the English Curriculum (for example, the pupils have studied several film and stage productions as part of the curriculum in Year 8, including Wednesday, Edward Scissor hands, Revolution, and Hamilton) and encourage pupils to consider issues around diversity and identity, including global majority and contributions to local and national creative industries and careers.
Full brief and details of how to apply available here: Pencoed_Comprehensive_CP_Brief
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