Lead Creative Schools Scheme: Call for Creative Practitioners
Llandrillo-yn-Rhos County Primary, Elwy Road, Colwyn Bay LL28 4LX
Budget: £5,000 | Project Duration: October 2017-May 2018|
Application Deadline: 31st August 2017
We’re inviting applications from Creative Practitioners (individuals and partnerships) with skills in sculpture or design and technology to work with sixty Year 1 pupils, in two groups (foundation Phase boys and girls ages five and six) under the theme of marine communities. The aim of the project is to improve the process of designing and making in the foundation phase, as well as developing standards of reading.
Alongside their strong interest in Forest Schools and arts, the teachers at Llandrillo-yn-Rhos County Primary would like to further develop their skills in delivering design and technology sessions and are keen to work with the Creative Practitioners to develop skills and resources that they may use again in the future. The Creative Practitioner(s) will also work with teachers and pupils to develop and deliver creative ways to document and evaluate the project (e.g. film, photography, video diaries, blogs) and also celebrate achievements.
We welcome applications from Creative Practitioner(s) (including individuals or partnerships) with skills in sculpture and/or design and digital technology who can demonstrate commitment to developing excellence in creative practice. The Creative Practitioner(s) must demonstrate a commitment to developing excellence in creative practice and an engaging and inspiring aptitude to working with others.
The project has an overall budget of £5,000 to cover all fees, reasonable expenses and materials. The contract is for approx. 15 Days work at a rate of £250/day, including VAT, which may be shared between two or more practitioners. The remaining budget is for reasonable expenses and materials towards the project, which will be agreed with the school on appointment.
The appointed practitioner(s) will work with the teachers and pupils to develop the detailed project structure, content and outcomes.
For further information and details of how to apply please download the brief here Llandillo_yn_Rhos_School _CP_Brief_2017_Final
Cynllun Ysgolion Creadigol Arweiniol: Galwad am Ymarferwyr Creadigol
Ysgol Gynradd Sirol Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, Ffordd Elwy, Bae Colwyn LL28 4LX
Cyllid: £5,000 | Cyfnod y Prosiect: Mis Hydref 2017- Mis Mai 2018
Dyddiad Cau Ceisiadau: 31ain Awst 2017
Gwahoddwn geisiadau oddi wrth Ymarferwyr Creadigol (unigolion a phartneriaethau) sy’n meddu ar sgiliau cerflunio neu ddylunio a thechnoleg i weithio gyda thrigain o ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 1, mewn dau grŵp (bechgyn a merched Cyfnod Sylfaen pump a chwech oed) dan y thema cymunedau morol. Nod y prosiect yw gwella’r broses ddylunio a gwneud yn y cyfnod sylfaen, a hefyd datblygu safonau darllen.
Ynghyd â’u diddordeb cryf mewn Ysgolion Coedwig a’r celfyddydau, hoffai athrawon Ysgol Gynradd Sirol Llandrillo-yn-Rhos ddatblygu eu sgiliau ymhellach o ran cyflwyno sesiynau dylunio a thechnoleg. Maen nhw’n awyddus i weithio gydag Ymarferwyr Creadigol i ddatblygu sgiliau ac adnoddau i’w defnyddio eto yn y dyfodol. Bydd yr Ymarferydd/Ymarferwyr Creadigol hefyd yn gweithio gydag athrawon a disgyblion i ddatblygu dulliau creadigol o ddogfennu a gwerthuso’r prosiect (e.e. ffilm, ffotograffiaeth, dyddiaduron fideo, blogiau) a’u cyflwyno, a hefyd dathlu cyflawniadau.
Byddwn yn croesawu ceisiadau gan Ymarferydd/Ymarferwyr Creadigol (gan gynnwys unigolion neu bartneriaethau), gyda sgiliau cerflunio a/neu dechnoleg digidol neu ddylunio, sy’n gallu dangos ymroddiad i ddatblygu rhagoriaeth mewn arfer creadigol. Rhaid i’r Ymarferydd/Ymarferwyr Creadigol dangos ymroddiad i ddatblygu rhagoriaeth mewn arfer creadigol a chymhwyster atyniadol ac ysbrydoledig o ran gweithio gydag eraill.
Mae gan y prosiect gyfanswm cyllid o £5,000 i gwmpasu’r holl ffioedd, costau rhesymol a deunyddiau. Mae’r contract am tua 15 diwrnod o waith ar gyfradd o £250 y dydd, gan gynnwys TAW, a gellid ei rannu rhwng dau ymarferydd, neu fwy. Ar gyfer costau rhesymol a deunyddiau ar gyfer y prosiect mae gweddill y cyllid. Bydd hyn yn cael ei gytuno â’r ysgol ar ôl penodi.
Bydd yr ymarferydd/ymarferwyr a benodir yn gweithio gydag athrawon a disgyblion i ddatblygu strwythur manwl y prosiect, ei gynnwys a’i ddeilliannau.
Am fwy o wybodaeth a manylion ynghylch sut i wneud cais, lawrlwythwch y briff yma Llandillo_yn_Rhos_School _CP_Brief_2017_Final
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