Addo what's going on - page 3

Cynllun Ysgolion Creadigol Arweiniol / Lead Creative Schools Scheme : Galwad am Ymarferwyr Creadigol/Call for Creative Practitioners

Cynllun Ysgolion Creadigol Arweiniol / Lead Creative Schools Scheme : Galwad am Ymarferwyr Creadigol/Call for Creative Practitioners

Ysgol Llanfyllin, Llanfyllin, Powys, SY22 5BJ Cyllid/Budget: £5,000 Cyfnod y Prosiect/Project Duration: Chwefror – Ebrill/February – April 2021 Dyddiad Cau Ceisiadau/Application Deadline:  5ed Ionawr 2021/5th January 2021 Rydyn ni’n gwahodd ceisiadau gan ddau Ymarferydd Creadigol sy’n gallu siarad Cymraeg (croesewir unigolion a phartneriaethau), un â…

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  • <i><b>Image:</b> Toiledau Residency Pilot, Corwen, 2014. </i>

    Image: Toiledau Residency Pilot, Corwen, 2014.
    © Camp Little Hope.

Mentored Research & Development Programme for Artists | Rhaglen Ymchwil a Datblygu wedi’i Mentora i Artistiaid

We are inviting applications from Wales-based artists with an interest in developing an idea for the co-creation of a situated contemporary art project towards social change in Wales with mentoring support from Addo. Fee per artist: £6,250 (for 25 days work at £250 per day,…

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‘How to Apply’ Online Workshop – Gweithdy Ar-lein ‘Sut i Wneud Cais’

A ‘How to Apply’ online workshop for Addo’s Mentored Research & Development Programme for Artists. Book your place on Addo’s online ‘How to Apply’ workshop 10-11:30am on 25/11/2020 for your chance to ask questions about the programme and application process. This workshop provides an opportunity to ask…

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  • <strong><em>Image:</strong></em> Artist's Impression of proposed redeveloped YMCA Building, showing parapet level glass façade © Capita, 2020.

    Image: Artist's Impression of proposed redeveloped YMCA Building, showing parapet level glass façade © Capita, 2020.

  • <strong><em>Image:</strong></em> The opening of Pontypridd YMCA on 29 September 1910.

    Image: The opening of Pontypridd YMCA on 29 September 1910.

Public Artwork Commissioned for the Refurbished Pontypridd YMCA Building

In April 2020 Addo were engaged by Pontypridd YMCA to commission a bespoke vinyl application to the parapet level glazing of the refurbished YMCA building in Pontypridd.  Artist partnership Heinrich & Palmer have subsequently been appointed to work in collaboration with the wider project team…

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Co-Director Tracy Simpson begins PhD

Co-Director Tracy Simpson begins PhD

The Role of Visual Arts in the Creation of Social Space: How artists, art organisations and communities collaborate is a research partnership between Glyndwr University and Tŷ Pawb, which translates as Everyone’s Home, is a cultural community resource, bringing together Wrexhams arts and markets within the…

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Waking Corwen’s Giant

Waking Corwen’s Giant

Waking Corwen’s Giant was created by artist Gordon Rogers of Structure & Agency led by the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB in partnership with Addo and the local community. Aiming to discover and celebrate the folklore and mythology of giants in Wales the project…

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REVOLUTIONS OF THE PUBLIC ART MACHINE – Addo Co-Director, Sarah Pace, awarded PhD

Our Co-Director Sarah Pace has been awarded a PhD by the University of South Wales for her thesis REVOLUTIONS OF THE PUBLIC ART MACHINE.  Through an inductive, qualitative, multicase study analysis of iterations of the ‘public art machine’ manifested through three public art projects commissioned as…

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Hetrotopic Encounters 06.03.20 – 11.04.20

Hetrotopic Encounters 06.03.20 – 11.04.20

Paul Eastwood \ James Harper \ Karen Heald \ Paul Heppell \ Paul R Jones \ Sue Liggett Jo Marsh \ Tom Meilleur  \ Julie Rogers Owen \ Ali Roscoe \ Alec Shepley \ Tracy Simpson A visual conversation between artists considering spaces of otherness. Each artist considers their practice in relation to these simultaneously porous and yet defined…

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Gefail yr Ynys Residency Music Launch

Gefail yr Ynys Residency Music Launch

Robin Richards talks about his music, as recorded at the Gefail Yr Ynys forge with blacksmith Dylan Cadwaladr Parry, to Mary Anne Hobbs on 6 Music. (Robin’s piece is at 1:19:30) In 2017, Robin took up the role of artist in residence, with Addo as…

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Gwaith Celf wedi’i Ysbrydoli gan y Gymuned ar gyfer Blaendraeth y Fflint/ Community Inspired Artwork for Flint Foreshore

Mae ymgysylltiad cymunedol helaeth wedi digwydd gyda phobl y Fflint dros y deunaw mis diwethaf gan ymchwilio be ydi ystyr eu tref iddyn nhw ac yn rhoi cyfleoedd iddynt rannu eu straeon. Mae nifer o artistiaid wedi bod yn gweithio gydag ysgolion a grwpiau cymunedol…

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